Guadalupe Sabio, doctor at the National Centre for Cardiovascular Research (CNIC), joint winner of the 1st Fundación Occident Research Award, tells us in the interview she gave on Canal Extremadura on 21 April about the importance of a good diet in the face of Covid-19 and other diseases.
How a healthy diet can protect against Covid-19 and other diseases
In this interview from 21 April, she explains in detail how a balanced diet and healthy eating can protect us from serious illnesses. She further explains how a poor diet and obesity affect immune cells and therefore the body’s endocrine, defence, cardiovascular and other systems. The effects of improper nutrition on such systems can affect the immune system as a whole, leading to an increased risk of viruses and bacteria.
She underlines: “What we eat affects our defences against viruses and bacteria and our cardiovascular system”.”Other countries have been better off because they had more research infrastructure to respond to the pandemic”.
These and other statements allow us to conclude that research into Covid-19 and other illnesses is vital for our understanding of how correct nutrition helps our organism.