We are Fundación Occident

Our Foundation, one of the most active foundations in Spain, was born under the wing of GCO in 1998 with the purpose of channelling the sponsorship and patronage activities that the insurance company had been carrying out throughout an entire century. Its original name —Fundación Catalana Occidente— Fundación Jesús Serra, in 2006, as a tribute to the figure Jesús Serra Santamans, founder of the company and firm defender, from the private sphere, of the humanitarian values and spirit in benefit of the community. In 2024, the Foundation was renamed Fundación Occident.

In this new era, our Foundation, one of the foundations that promotes and finances social projects in Spain, continues to follow the path of its founder and yearly promotes a large number of research and educational projects, cultural activities, sport activities and solidarity initiatives, both organised by the Foundation only and organised in collaboration with other institutions, with the aim of fostering GCO's work and commitment towards society.

Research Business and Teaching Social Action Sport Promoting Arts

Ongoing projects

SuperArte grants: Fundación Grupo Sifu - Guillem León

Accompaniment program for minors at risk

Fundación Abracadabra: magic festival for employees

The Fundación Occident collaborates with the Fundación Abracadabra year after year in offering solidarity magic to those who most need it: hospitalised children, elderly people, people with mental or physical disabilities and young people at risk of social exclusion.

Discover who Jesús Serra was

Jesús Serra portrait

Jesús Serra Santamans is mainly known for having founded GCO and dedicating his professional life to the world of insurance, becoming one of the leading figures in this sector in Spain. Throughout his life, he maintained a keen interest in the arts and sport, in which he not only participated but also actively promoted through various initiatives. In addition, one thing he really stood out for was his great humanitarian spirit, with a particular sensitivity for those most in need. This trait was reflected in his intense social work.