Music and poetry, two passions of Jesús Serra.

Promoting Arts

The Foundation and art

At Fundación Occident we are committed to promoting art, especially new artistic talent in poetry and music.

One of our objectives is to support and promote creation, and poetic creativity among all age groups, from small children to adults, with an exceptional talent for this genre, both in Spanish or Catalan. Our collaboration with the Jesús Serra Poetry Competition, and also our Poetízate programme, are two examples of actions we carry out with to place value on the role of poetry as a vehicle for explaining the world we live in.

In addition to poetry, the Foundation also supports young new musical talent. Our concerns are focused on disseminating the practice of music, specifically the piano. We collaborate with the Maria Canals International Music Competition, and we also fill the streets of the main cities of Spain with music with the "Your city is filled with pianos" project.

Neither can we never forget our duty to young children. Thanks to our "Me Toca" programme and artistic promotion actions, we bring music to the youngest members of the public, as well as those in a situation of social vulnerability.

The Foundation for music


Fundación Occident is committed to musical culture and that it is best developed through concerts. An example of this is the winner of the Maria Canals International Music Competition.

Your city is full of pianos

Thanks to our programme "Your city is full of pianos", we are flooded with music, specifically from grand pianos, in the main cities of Spain.

Maria Canals Competition

We work closely with the Maria Canals International Music Competition, promoting new musical talents. The winner of the event will perform at four concerts, aimed at promoting their music.

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