Save the med

Save the Med environmental awareness project

Save the Med encourages students to participate in the Gamechangers and Changemakers projects and gives them the chance to take part in scientific expeditions at sea

The Save The Med Foundation is a non-profit organisation that works to regenerate the Mediterranean Sea, one of the most fragile seas on the planet. Through cutting-edge marine research, community projects and education, Save The Med communicates science to local communities, inspires action, invites collaboration and helps to train 

Changemakers Project

Students from the Balearic Islands participate in the Changemakers project, through which they develop ideas and campaigns to reduce plastic pollution. Through their actions, these students help bring about a positive change in their homes, schools and communities, and every year, the five teams that present the projects with the most impact are invited to join the Save The Med Foundation's research and education team on board marine scientific expeditions to help explore and protect the fascinating wildlife in the Mediterranean Sea. 

The Changemakers project seeks to involve students as active participants in the protection of our seas.More specifically, students are encouraged to address the problem of excess consumption and the unnecessary use of disposable plastic items in our daily lives, with innovative ideas and positive actions.

Each year, the participating schools form teams and come up with ideas and campaigns to involve their communities in the reduction of plastic pollution. Through their projects, they encourage everyone to get involved, from teachers to younger students and local companies, raising awareness and having a positive impact on the communities of the islands. The projects with the most impact are selected by a panel of expert judges, and the teams will be invited to join Save The Med to enjoy exciting and unique marine scientific experiences at sea.  

Although plastic pollution is a well-known danger to the environment and human health by now, large amounts of plastic continue to be produced worldwide. The production curve is expected to keep rising in the next decade unless urgent measures are taken.

The Changemakers project encourages the next generation to think about innovative alternatives to our current unsustainable production and consumption model.

Gamechangers Project

Save the Med, the University of the Balearic Islands and Fundación Occident have promoted a new programme, Gamechangers, aimed at students at the University of the Balearic Islands to develop projects that help to halt the use-and-discard approach to production and consumption, trying to bring about a change in the production system as well as in consumer behaviour and to end excessive consumption of products that have a negative impact on the environment. 

With Gamechangers, Save the Med, the University of the Balearic Islands and Fundación Occident are working to achieve different objectives:

- Offer the possibility of the projects being developed by students from different fields of study, thus presenting ideas from different academic perspectives can add value to their proposals.

- Promote collaboration with incubators and/or potential financiers/investors, so that projects that are viable and have a great potential for impact can continue after their participation in Gamechangers.  

- Promote the creation of a collaborative ecosystem that contributes to the training of professionals and citizens with awareness, commitment and proactive participation in solving environmental problems affecting the Balearic Islands.  

- Stimulate critical thinking in students to transform their daily consumption habits and how they connect with life and the present.  

- Provide knowledge on the ecological and environmental value of Mallorca's marine and terrestrial ecosystem, through experiential learning, to promote the creation of a significant connection between them and nature.