UNHCR scholarship programme

Scholarship programme - UNHCR

Fundación Occident promotes the UNHCR-sponsored DAFI scholarship programme, which offers qualified refugee and returnee students scholarships to cover the costs and support they need during the studies in their country of asylum or their country of origin. The programme makes it possible for students and graduates to further their social and professional development, by enabling them to earn qualifications to increase their opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship, including furthering their education, creating future role models for refugee children and youth and promoting social, gender and economic equality.

The DAFI scholarship programme allows talented and motivated young refugees to boost their potential and pursue their dreams, this way becoming professionals in their fields of study and contributing to their communities. 

For students and graduates, the DAFI scholarship programme makes it possible for students and graduates to further their social and professional development, by enabling them to earn qualifications to increase their opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship. 

The social return of the DAFI scholarship programme exceeds that of individual investment. Refugees with further education reduce economic and psychological dependence, improve self-reliance and enable long-term employment solutions.

In addition, access to higher education motivates refugee children to stay at school and achieve academic success. 

  • Promote refugee self-reliance through opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship.
  • Empower students to contribute knowledge, skills and leadership to refugee communities during displacement and on return.
  • Strengthen the protective impact of education by encouraging life-long learning for refugees.
  • Promote future models to follow for refugee children and young people, demonstrating the impact of education on people, communities and societies.
  • Contribute to post-conflict peace building and reconstruction
  • Promote social, economic and gender equality
  • UNHCR and its member organisations support refugee students by means of monitoring their academic progress and personal well-being, and offering training and language courses and psychosocial support. This comprehensive support has produced positive results, with a very low drop-out rate (2%) and academic and personal success among refugee students.